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Adult Ministry


Bible study: The Rectors host an adult bible study weekly. Past topics have included studies on the book of Galatians, the Gospel of Mark, and a study of the lectionary readings. 

Huddles: The rectors are currently hosting two leadership small groups, or Huddles. In the coming year more of these groups will be forming. These are discipleship groups, and include service to the community. Please contact the rectors if you are interested in joining a Huddle.

Mission trip: We will embark on a multi-generational mission trip next summer, to assist the team at Friendships in Lake Charles Louisiana. The Rectors have a long standing relationship with this organization.  Please visit for more information.

Service teams: There are lots of ways adults can use their gifts for ministry at TCW. Currently we have opportunities to serve on: the Intercessory Prayer Team, the Altar Guild, the Buildings and Grounds Committee,  the Sunday Service Team which includes Acolytes, Ushers and Readers, the Card Ministry team, the Children’s Church and Nursery team, and the Volunteer Staff Team. 

Service to the community: We have opportunities to serve our ministry partners at City Mission and Resurrection Power homes each month. 



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